The following statistics highlight the percentage of female candidates in the top 10, 20, and 50 positions on each party's list
Protesters interrupt a mass in Poznan chanting "we are sick of this" and hold up banners with slogans in front of the altar |
Abortion will only be allowed in Poland in the case of rape, incest or a threat to the mother's health and life |
The amendment would have doubled waiting periods, banned clinics from advertising services and made women declare their reasons for termination |
Under Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand's parliament will be the most inclusive ever, with several people of colour, LGBT+ members and a high number of women |
The French government plans to introduce jail terms and fines for doctors who provide controversial so-called "virginity certificates" for traditional religious marriages |
Togo's first female prime minister has appointed a new government with a record 30% of the 33 ministerial positions given to women |
A feminist poster campaign in Paris that draws on street art techniques to denounce rape, sexual harassment and murder is striking a chord with city residents and inspiring copycats as far afield as China, its creator said |
Kenya's 2010 constitution states no more than two-thirds of any elected body can be of the same gender but women hold 22% of seats in the lower house of parliament and 31% in the upper house |
Japan has missed a target to have women in 30% of leadership posts, and experts see few prospects of rapid change |
The report on measures implemented by Government of Georgia against COVID-19 says nothing about consultations with gender experts, women entrepreneurs, etc. throughout the drafting of the aforementioned anti-crisis policy document, which in turn is problematic and raises legitimate questions about the gender sensitivity of the action plan itself.
Three new projects implemented by civil society partners will work across the country with victims of domestic violence, IDPs, and persons with disabilities