Cora Weiss: If women are not among decision-makers, we will not have peace
2020-05-29 12:45:56

On May 29, International Day of UN Peacekeepers is celebrated. This day is dedicated to all women and men who participate in UN peacekeeping operations as military, police or civilian personnel. The theme for this year’s Day is “Women in Peacekeeping: A Key to Peace” to help mark the 20th anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. 

In connection to this day Cora Weiss, a life-long peace activist, one of the drafters of Resolution 1325 ,member of GNWP’s International Advisory Council and President of the Hague Appeal for Peace shared her remarks to the Georgian Journalists:

Dear friends in Georgia,

I am honored to be asked to convey a few thoughts to you. 

People in media, journalists of all kinds and teachers are the most important people in the world. You convey information and teachers provide education. Everyone in the world depends on you.

As you may have heard, the first casualty of war is the truth. I hope you will remember that with every word you speak and write. Search for and preserve the truth. 

I applaud you for your dedication to the implementation of UNSC resolution 1325 on women peace and security. It is perhaps one of the most important resolutions ever adopted by the United Nations in its 75 years. Under Article 25 of the Charter all Member States agree to carry out the decisions of the Security Council. That makes the Resolution 1325 international law. 

It calls for the Participation of women at every level of governance and in all peace processes. For most of history women have been raised to be "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen". This was the first time our brains and hearts have been honored. It is one of the best known of thousands of resolutions agreed upon. And thanks to the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, it is celebrated every October and it is used to train not only women, but everyone. This Friday is the International Day of Peacekeepers. The sub theme is Women peacekeepers, and understanding 1325 will be a key to its celebration.

It also calls for the Prevention of violent conflict. Prevention of violent conflict is the most profound purpose of the UN.  The Charter calls for " saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war." War is one of the threats to our future. Climate change and nuclear weapons are the apocalyptic twins. If unaddressed, they will destroy life on Earth and probably the Earth itself, too. If women are not among decision-makers, we will not have peace.  With gender equality we have a better chance of having peace. With all kinds of equality we have a good chance of a new world of democracy, freedom, and peace. That is my wish for you, your families and friends.

Every day when people go to the UN in NYC they pass St George and the Dragon, the great sculpture by your Georgian Zurav Tsereteli who calls it Good over Evil. The art is dedicated to Disarmament and peace. St George is killing the US and Russian missiles.

Good luck to all of you. Remember, if there are no women at the decision making table it is not a good sustainable lawful decision.

All the best, Cora


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